About IHS
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Our Solutions
In November 2021, IHS closed its transaction with TIM Brasil and acquired a controlling interest in FiberCo Soluções de Infraestrutura S.A. (FiberCo). Today, FiberCo operates under the name of I-Systems.
I-Systems is a specialist provider of shared optical fiber networks, which can be used simultaneously by multiple ISPs and Mobile Network Operators. This enables sustainable practices and faster new market rollouts, while preventing overlapping structures and increasing access to high quality internet.
As part of the IHS Group, one of the largest independent owners, operators and developers of shared communications infrastructure in the world, I-Systems offers complete solutions for the full development of communications infrastructure in Brazil. I-Systems operates in 41 of the largest cities across nine Brazilian states, including the Greater São Paulo region, with approximately 8.8 million homes passed.
Managing Director
Fernando Barros
Office Address
Condomínio Torre Z
Av. Dr. Chucri Zaidan, 296 – 15º andar
Vila Cordeiro, CEP: 04583-110
São Paulo/SP – Brazil
Tel: +55 11 4210-6503