About IHS
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Our Solutions
IHS entered Brazil in February 2020 following the acquisition of the infrastructure solutions provider, Cell Site Solutions (“CSS”), headquartered in São Paulo, Brazil with operations in Brazil, Colombia and Peru.
This was followed by two further acquisitions in 2021 - the specialist provider of small cells and urban communications infrastructure in Brazil, Skysites Holdings S.A., and Centennial Towers Brasil Cooperatief U.A. In 2022, the portfolio was further expanded through the acquisition of São Paulo Cinco Locação de Torres Ltda. (SP5), a Grupo Torresur (GTS) portfolio company in 2022.
In November 2021, IHS closed its transaction with TIM Brasil and acquired a controlling interest in FiberCo Soluções de Infraestrutura S.A. (“FiberCo”). Today, FiberCo operates under the name of I-Systems. I-Systems provides shared high performance optical fiber networks, used simultaneously by ISPs and MNOs, allowing sustainable practices, faster market rollouts, reduced costs and expanded access to high quality internet.
Today, we are proud to be positioned in Brazil as a leading infraco provider with both tower and fiber assets.
Managing Director
Michel Levy
Office Address
IHS Brazil S/A
Condomínio Torre Z – 22º andar
Av. Dr. Chucri Zaidan, 296
Vila Cordeiro, CEP: 04583-110
São Paulo/SP – Brazil
Tel: +55 0800 730 9000
Number of sites:
216 million
Nominal GDP:
US$1,907 billion
Mobile cellular subscriptions (per 100 people):