About IHS
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Our Solutions
IHS entered Colombia in February 2020 following the acquisition of the infrastructure solutions provider, Cell Site Solutions (“CSS”), headquartered in São Paulo, Brazil and with operations in Colombia. CSS was established in 2012 in Brazil, before expanding into Colombia in 2015. CSS in Colombia was renamed IHS Colombia following the acquisition in 2020. In 2021, we expanded our Colombia footprint through the acquisition of Centennial Towers Colombia S.A.S., bringing its extensive expertise in providing mobile network operators with a wide range of infrastructure solutions to the IHS portfolio.
Colombia is the third largest telecom market in Latin America, with currently more than 60 million subscribers. We believe the growth potential of this market is driven by the ongoing and increasing demand for 4G, with its share among mobile subscriptions expected to nearly double by 2025, and the population’s high demand for data.
Office Address
Carrera 14 No 93b-45
Oficina 204 - Edificio Park Town
Barrio Chico
Tel: +57 601 7450347
Data Protection Officer (DPO): oficial.datospersonales@ihstowers.com
Number of towers
52 million
Nominal GDP:
US$338 billion
Mobile cellular subscriptions (per 100 people):