About IHS
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Our Solutions
IHS South Africa was established in May 2022 following the closure of a sale and lease back agreement with Mobile Telephone Networks Proprietary Limited (MTN). Subsequently, IHS South Africa is the largest independent tower operator in the country.
As in all our markets, we leverage our operational expertise, invest in new infrastructure and accelerate the roll-out of cutting-edge technologies, whilst delivering efficiencies. Our goal is to provide consistently strong network uptime and excellent service as we continue to grow our customer base of mobile network operators (MNOs) and internet service providers (ISPs) operating in South Africa.
Managing Director
Sandile Msimango
Office Address
2nd Floor
6 Parks Boulevard
Oxford Parks
199 Oxford Road
Rosebank 2196 Gauteng
South Africa
Number of Sites:
60 million
Nominal GDP:
US$405 billion
Mobile cellular subscriptions (per 100 people)