About IHS
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Our Solutions
IHS Côte d'Ivoire was launched in October 2012. We acquired MTN Côte d’Ivoire Towers in 2013, and subsequently signed a Management with License to Lease contract with Orange Côte d’Ivoire. IHS Côte d'Ivoire operates from its head office in Abidjan and has regional offices in Abengourou, Yamoussoukro, Daloa and San Pedro.
IHS Côte d'Ivoire currently operates numerous hybrid solar sites throughout the country and continues to roll out green energy solution systems which select the most efficient source of power, depending on diesel supply, weather conditions and electricity availability. IHS is committed to developing its services in Côte d’Ivoire and assisting customers with their growth plans in urban and rural regions.
Managing Director
Fatim Cisse
Office Address
IHS Côte d'Ivoire SA
Zone 4C, rue Clément Ader
Galerie Square Center
18 BP 2113 Abidjan 18
Côte d’Ivoire
Tel: +225 25 21 00 54 54
Number of towers:
29 million
Nominal GDP:
US$68 billion
Mobile cellular subscriptions (per 100 people):