- Countries
IHS’ approach to sustainability is guided by the UN Global Compact, to which the company has been a Signatory since 2020. It describes how we aim to support the Compact’s ten principles in areas such as human rights, labor standards, the environment and anti-corruption. The report also demonstrates how we map our sustainability initiatives to the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Most Responsible
SERAS, Nigeria
Best External Partnership Award (Highly Commended)
2023 World Sustainability Awards
Investors in People
2023 Corporate Awards,
IHS Cameroon
Support for Safe Drinking
Water, Sanitation and Hygiene,
School Wash Facilities
5th CSR Responsible Business Awards,
IHS Zambia
Excellence in People
Management Award
Grupo Gestão RH, IHS Brazil
Great Place to Work (GPTW)
IHS Towers Brazil
and I-Systems
As of January 23, 2024, IHS scored 27 (out of 100) in the 2023 S&P Global Corporate Sustainability Assessment (CSA Score)
In February 2024, IHS received an updated ESG Risk Rating from Morningstar Sustainalytics13. As of April 2024, our ESG Risk Rating places us in the top 16% of all companies assessed by Morningstar Sustainalytics in the Telecommunication Services Industry